RULES FOR VISITORS for the containment of the contagion from Covid 19.
How to access the Museum
After this long closure, all the rooms were sanitized and reorganized according to the indications of the authorities in charge.
Visitors must comply with the following provisions:
— in accordance with the Italian Law DL 105 of July 23rd, 2021, from August 6 2021 on, visitors are kindly requested to exhibit their Green Pass (Covid-19 health certificate). The Museum staff in charge of checking the passes may also ask for proof of identity.
— before paying the entrance ticket, visitors will be measured their body temperature using contactless thermometers. In the event that a temperature higher than 37.5 ° C is recorded, the visitor will not be able to access the rooms;
— it is mandatory to register at the ticket office;
— admission is contingent in compliance with current legislation for the containment of the infection from Covid 19;
— all visitors must wear the protective mask correctly in order to cover their nose and mouth, sanitize their hands with the cleansing gel made available in special dispensers;
— it is mandatory to maintain the interpersonal distance of 1 meter and not to create crowds;
— it is strictly forbidden to touch the goods on display.
— it is necessary to follow the one-way path inside the rooms indicated by appropriate signs
Access to the Park
Access is regulated according to the rules and ordinances issued by the authorities in charge.
In any case it is mandatory to respect the interpersonal distance, to wear the protective mask correctly and not to create crowds.
It is necessary to respect the general indications given on the museum signs.
— It is forbidden to touch the finds.
— It is forbidden to introduce and consume food and drinks inside the halls.
— It is forbidden to introduce knives, scissors and / or metal tools of various kinds.
— The introduction into the Museum of any type of firearm and / or dangerous material is prohibited. Entry to the armed visitor is also prohibited (even if equipped with a regular license to carry a firearm).
— Smoking is prohibited (the ban is also extended to electronic cigarettes).
— Small pets are allowed as long as they are equipped with a leash and muzzle
— In the exhibition halls, please mute the ringtone and audio of cell phones and other mobile devices. The use of the devices must be discreet so as not to disturb the visit.
— It is necessary to maintain a moderate tone of voice to ensure that everyone has a peaceful and trouble-free visit.
— It is forbidden to run
— It is allowed to photograph the exhibits for personal and domestic purposes only, without flashes, tripods and telescopic poles. Professional photos must be authorized by the Superintendency.
— The use of any type of laser pointer inside the museum is prohibited.
— In the Museum, papers, cans, bottles or other waste may not be abandoned, except in the special containers which, for safety reasons, are placed only in the areas outside the tour itinerary.
— Appropriate dressing is required in accordance to the status of the museum (it is considered inappropriate and therefore forbidden, for example, to visit the museum in a bathing suit, in too skimpy clothing and any other form of clothing detrimental to the dignity of the places and respect for visitors).