

08/04/2023 - 04/06/2023
A tribute to an island artist who arrives at the (almost) monochromatic essentiality of black and white after a long creative journey that is mainly a research thought. An incessant study of the alchemy between light and matter, the real landscape of photography and the author's imaginary abstraction.

White and black. Two special colours/non-colours, opposite and complementary, which keep their mystery even in the symbolic dialectic with which they dialogue and collide. Saturday 8 April, at 7 pm, at the Villa Arbusto museum complex in Lacco Ameno, the opening of the 2023 exhibition season with the vernissage for the exhibition “Gino Di Meglio. In black and white”.

The first major cultural event of the year, set around the Easter holidays, will be dedicated to the most recent production of the Ischian photographer, present at the inauguration, with fifty unpublished images on display in the rooms of Villa Gingerò.

The exhibition, organized by the Municipality of Lacco Ameno and curated by Massimo Ielasi with the Circolo Georges Sadoul of Ischia, will remain open to the public until June 4th.

“First of all, I am very proud to be able to exhibit my latest works at Villa Arbusto, a site of particular historical and cultural prestige”, declared the photographer Gino Di Meglio. “The exhibition was born from the idea of ​​representing two different states of mind, complementary and interconnected parts of the universe and of our lives: in white, openness to grace, joy, peace of soul; in black, restlessness wins, the mystery of existence and of the human condition. A dualism that has never been so clear-cut: sometimes one prevails, sometimes the other».

The exhibition at Villa Gingerò is divided into two sections: in the first, the photographs in which white dominates, the additive synthesis of all colours; in the second black dominates, an absolute subtractive synthesis. A numerically balanced symmetry that vibrates with a thousand nuances, chromatic and expressive, thanks to the sensitivity and technical mastery with which the author masters the shots.