

23/03/2024 - 26/04/2024
Saturday, March 23 from 18:00 in the halls of Villa Gingerò, will be held the vernissage of an exceptional, highly suggestive exhibition that inaugurates the new exhibition season at Villa Arbusto in Lacco Ameno.

The exhibition is entitled “Iacono, Mattera, Waschimps”, promoted by the Municipality of Lacco Ameno in collaboration with the Circle Georges Sadoul Ischia; curated with skill by Massimo Ielasi, with the contribution of Bruno Macrì and Salvatore Basile for the setting.
The exhibition presents twenty large-format works, representative of the last thirty years of artistic production of the three masters.
An opportunity to admire together the works of three artists – Raffaele Iacono, Gabriele Mattera, Elio Waschimps – sharing not only a deep and authentic friendship, but also a shared passion for art, research and painting.