“These are songs that embrace the long Neapolitan musical tradition, from the seventeenth century to the great contemporary repertoire” explains Rosaria Lauro, president of the San Leonardo Polyphonic Choir Association.«All the pieces have been reviewed and arranged by our Maestro Aldo de Vero together with Elio di Bernardo, the first choir master and accompanist. The theme, as the title of the show suggests, is love, understood in all its many facets: love as a couple, love for one’s land, accomplished and resolved, unrequited love”.A musical journey full of feelings made even more special by the stage costumes: all the members of the choir will in fact wear Procidan costumes of the eighteenth-century tradition. “These are clothes reproduced after a long research work, which take us back to the suggestive atmospheres of the time”, continues Lauro, and with which we have already performed on the occasion of the events related to “Procida, the Italian capital of culture”.In the lineup of the evening also one of the oldest Neapolitan songs ever, handed down by oral tradition, then subsequently transcribed and revived by the extraordinary work of Roberto De Simone and the New Popular Song Company”It is “The chorus of the washerwomen of Vomero” – anticipates Rosaria Lauro – a love song of very ancient origins, which has become over time a protest song against Aragonese domination, in which the handkerchief takes on the meaning of a land that is always promised and never granted”.